
 “Phytotherapy, the use of plant-derived medications in the treatment and prevention of disease.  It is a system of medical practice that is based on scientific or medical evidence, its products are pharmacologically active medicines, similar to conventional pharmaceutical drugs.”

- Encyclopedia Britannica


Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

We are Phytotherapy (Herbal Medicine) Practitioners providing specialist herbal consultations and preparations. Along with basic dietary and lifestyle suggestions, prescriptions may take the form of an individually formulated liquid herb blend, cream, teas or 'Practitioner Only' preformated tablet/capsule products.  


Can Phytotherapy help you?

 Whatever your condition, Phytotherapy/Herbal Medicine can support you in some way.

It is particularly suited to:

✔ Chronic conditions including arthritis, allergies and autoimmune conditions
✔ Stress, anxiety and mood
✔ Sleep issues
✔ Skin disorders
✔ Digestive issues
✔ Menstrual disorders


What’s so special about Phytotherapy?

Plants contain potent, multi-constituent elements that can therapeutically affect multiple body systems simultaneously. Single constituents from plants are still commonly used in the manufacture of many modern medicines such as anti-malarial medication (artemisia), hormone replacement (wild yam) and cardiac conditions (digitalis) to name a few. Herbal Medicine/Phytotherapy, however, uses the WHOLE plant with the understanding that the constituents together combine synergistically to make a far more powerful and effective therapy.


The whole is more than the sum of its parts

- Aristotle


The strength of plants is that they work WITH the systems of body rather than shutting them down or blocking them, and therefore assisting the body to return to optimum functioning, rather than just mask the symptoms.

Herbs and plants can be used daily in food or as a tea, forming a strong preventative practice, or specifically formulated for acute or chronic conditions without the side effects experienced by other medications.


     “The body is not a one-note melody, but a symphony of many interactive components functioning synergistically together”

- Sharma